If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed my increase in usage last weekend and the hashtag #ldsconf. This has become one of my favorite parts about conference because I'm able to share my thoughts immediately to the thousands of other Conference viewers in the Twittersphere. I've also noticed that some of my non-Mormon followers favorite my #ldsconf tweets and who knows, maybe they looked up the talk to read the whole thing. As much as people complain about our phone obsessed generation, I think that there are some benefits to having and sharing information instantly via social media. Thanks for not unfollowing me during Conference and thanks for everyone else who posted their #ldsconf tweets :)
Photo credit Meg Ricks
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Someone on my Twitter feed made the comment that one of the most inspired things President Monson has done as a prophet was calling Elder Uchtdorf as one of his counselors and I couldn’t agree more. This man is called of God, not to mention he is the king of producing the most perfectly, pinteresting quotes.
- Be thankful in our circumstances instead of for things
- How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God there is rain? – I can already see this wall decal in the homes of Mormons everywhere. But truly, we need to stop waiting for trials to be over to thank God. We should always have an attitude of gratitude in our hearts regardless of our circumstances.
- Why do we resist endings? Because we’re made of the stuff of eternities
- Endings in mortal life are merely interruptions
Jean A. Stevens
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a checklist of things to do, it lives in our hearts
- The gospel is not a weight, it’s wings
David A. Bednar
- Happiness is not the absence of a load—I make this mistake all the time. When my life is great and easy, I think, “Man, this is happiness. Nothing to worry about,” but it’s not true.
- There is no anguish of the soul we face that the Savior hasn’t felt first. HE GETS ME. But seriously. The Savior gets you and loves you.
President Thomas S. Monson
- Everyday of our lives we are given the opportunities to love others
- The people we meet everyday in parking lots and elevators are the portion of God’s children He has given us to love—awww! That is so hard to think though because I feel like I encounter so many people I don’t everyday I have no interest in loving, but they’re put in my life to love.
Lawrence E. Corbridge
- Elder Corbridge bore testimony of Joseph Smith and his fundamental role in restoring the gospel back to the earth. This was a timely message for me because I recently finished reading Under the Banner of Heaven and learned of some not so shining moments in church history.
- The truth will always be opposed—Much like the Savior was ridiculed and eventually crucified, Joseph Smith faced persecution until his dying day. People can’t leave the truth alone and it will always face opposition.
- The family is the pattern of heaven
D. Todd Christofferson
- Our lives are His—Because the Savior gave His life that we might live again, our lives and everything we do are really His
- If Christ was resurrected He is a divine being and had to have been a God and what He taught was true because God cannot lie. Basically Elder Christofferson made the connection starting from Christ’s resurrection to His life to His teachings to His gospel and how if one happened, then everything that followed had to have happened. It was very cool and reminded me of my Philosophy 215 class at BYU.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to listen to the prophet and his counselors during General Conference. I know the talks are inspired and the men and women giving them are called of God. Thank you for reading! Feel free to shoot me any questions or share you favorite from this April General Conference.