For the 4th of July I went to the beach with my family. It was super hot and annoyingly crowded, but I loved it. Laying out in the sun and swimming in the ocean all day never gets old. And I know a lot of people are real picky about their beaches, but I don't think I really am. I mean there are definitely some trashy places out there, but gimme some sand, sun and water and I'm ok. I have to have a beach house some day. One thing I realized though, is that fireworks are really boring. I mean, after 5 minutes I'm kind of ready for them to be over. Maybe it was because I was tired and with my family all day, but this year I almost fell asleep during fireworks.
I promised I would post if I spent money and unfortunately, I did. On Monday I went to the Mt. Gretna Lake with Maren. I spent $12 on admission and $5 on a Subway footlong for lunch. I still don't feel like that is too bad though, and I've been leaving my cards at home whenever I go places and trying to only use cash if I do spend money. So far I have been going on 10 days of not spending money, kind of. I think when I decided to not spend money, I meant frivolous items, like pretty clothes, accessories and food. I guess a day at the lake is kind of frivolous, but less frivolous than a cardigan. Whatever. I'm so saying I've gone 10 days without spending $$.
Job outlook is still sucking, and I've pretty much accepted that no business wants to hire an employee that's going to leave in 2 months. Speaking of which... 2 months?? Where did summer go?! As mediocre and boring as my life is in Lancaster, not one part of me wants to go back to school. I'm just not ready.
Hi, I'm still jealous of your hair