
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

austin, tx --> san francisco, ca --> cambridge, ma

We've kicked off 2016 with a few baby trips to favorite/new/future cities. In January over Martin Luther King weekend we visited our friends Mike and Cheryl in what has become one of our favorite cities, Austin, TX. We spent the weekend running around Lady Bird Lake (just me and Cheryl), seeing the Longhorns play bball, trying a new brunch place and then went camping at Pedernales State Park from Sunday night to Monday morning. Camping was cold but fun and surprisingly pretty, for Texas ;)
On January 22 we flew to San Francisco because we found ridiculously cheap flights to Oakland. We stayed in an Airbnb in Haight-Ashbury and did as much exploring as we could in 48 hours. Highlights include Sutro Baths, Lands End, walking to and biking halfway across the Golden Gate Bridge, riding a cable car and seeing old friends. The parking situation still leaves me baffled and now I am sure I could never really live there, but I totally see why people pay the big bucks to call SF home. The city was beautiful and had endless things to do and food to eat.

Finally this past weekend we froze our little noses off in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Preston was accepted to MIT's MBA program so we are moving there this fall! This weekend was the first weekend for admitted students and their significant others so we spent Friday and Saturday learning about MIT, walking around the campus and meeting new friends. It really tested our quiet personalities because Friday and Saturday was nonstop small talk and then yelling at bars. (Why do people hang out at bars like I get it, drinking, but they are SO LOUD). I am so excited to move back east and even the frigid temperatures (at one point it was 0 degrees but felt like -22 with the wind chill) couldn't dampen my spirits and only made me more observant of what was the most chic AND warm-looking Boston outerwear. 
Valentine's Day was spent holed up in our downtown hotel room for as along as our reservation allowed and then we braved the cold for cannolis and the Boston Public Library. We made it home to tropical Dallas (64 when we landed) and now we're back and I'm contemplating selling everything we own to accommodate what felt like shoebox sized student housing.

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