
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

the tekulves

Oh how it hurts to be back in boiling hot Texas. Last Tuesday night I went home to Pennsylvania for my baby sister's wedding..

On Wednesday afternoon we went to the Washington, DC Temple so Alyanna could go through for the first time before her wedding
I spent Thursday going to the dentist for the first time in almost 4 years oops (no cavities wut wut) and getting ready for the next big two days. My family spent Thursday night in DC and we (Alyanna, Ynna, Mommy) woke up semi-early to get our hair and faces made up for Alyanna's sealing that afternoon. Although we felt like geishas, Alyanna looked perfect and the rain held out making for a perfectly cloudy, pleasantly cool wedding day. Drew and Alyanna were sealed for time and all eternity in the Washington, DC Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my most favorite temple in the world. The pics turned out great and I'm a big fan of Alyanna's photographer, Monika Ottehenning. After the sealing we went to a little familiar spot by the temple for dinner :)
Friday was party day!! Alyanna had her reception at the John Wright restaurant in Wrightsville, PA about 25 mins from Lancaster. The first time I saw the venue was that Friday and I was blown away. Gorgeous views of the Susquehanna River and cool, industrial-exposed-brick-and-pipes vibes inside. Of course decorations were perfect because my mother was in charge. The night was filled with happy tears, a few sad because our baby brother was missing, lots of laughs, smiles and sweaty, joyous dancing. I'm so happy for Alyanna and Drew and hope they are having a great time in Hawaii right now.
Left to right: Ynna, Vanessa, Alyanna, Desiree, Yuki, Serena. Favorite bridesmaid outfit I've worn/seen.
The royal couple aka Mommy and Daddy Padilla in traditional Filipino wedding attire. 
Just as excited to see these three as much as my fam to be honest. They have part of my heart forever.

Preston and I left for Philadelphia on Sunday morning and spent the day in city before flying to Boston. We managed to squeeze in 10:30 AM Shake Shack, Mutter Medical Oddities Museum and Philly cheesesteak lunches at Pat's. We flew into Boston that evening and spent the night in Cambridge. On Monday we walked what felt like the entire city, basking in the unseasonably cool weather and eating lobster rolls and ice cream. You guys it was 70 degrees most of the time we were in Boston which is LIT-RALLY 32 degrees cooler than Dallas right now. Pennsylvania > Texas. Boston > Texas. Almsot anywhere > Texas. Just kidding but...
We boarded a plane Sunday evening from Boston to DC, got stranded in DC for 3 hours, ate more Shake Shack, saw the White House and made it back home by 3:30 AM.
I am still so thrilled for my sister and new brother-in-law and their new life together. Drew is a fantastic guy and comes from a lovely family who I had the privilege of finally meeting this weekend. I already miss my hometown and parents so bad. My heart is on the east coast, sorry Texas. Another big congrats to Alyanna and Drew and humungous thank you to my parents, the Tekulves and all of our friends who came to support Alyanna and Drew. It was truly a magical weekend.