
Friday, July 6, 2012

count on me to misbehave

 Hi. Sorry for blogging every day. I really need to start remembering bringing my book to work. I've just exhausted all my social media for the day and have absolutely nothing to do.

Currently I am reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. It's fascinating and makes me appreciate my Mac and iPhone so much more than I already do.
 Aren't these images weird? They're by Maia Flore. I like them though.

Last night I saw Beach House at the Twilight Concert Series. I won't lie, it was kind of boring. I like Beach House, but they're not the most exciting band to listen to and certainly don't put on an extravagant show. I also think knowing the songs plays a big part in the level of enjoyment at a concert. For example, Iron & Wine is pretty mellow and boring, but I know and love so many songs so I'm very much looking forward to them in August.

Also yesterday Preston thought of alternate meanings for YOLO. Here are the ones we have come up with. I take credit for the last one:
Ynna Only Likes Oranges
Ynna Over Looks Otters
Ynna Openly Lays Outdoors
Ynna Observes Little Ones

Let me know if you think of good ones.
I could easily live off watermelon.

I want to find/meet everyone who has ever taken the username "ynna."

I type out every card I ever give and handwrite my typed message. I also save all of the cards on my computer and look back on them occasionally so I can remember what I tell people.

I'm trying to find another job in addition to my current one.

I'm studying for the GRE and am a lot worse at reading comprehension than I thought.

I should probably not blog for 6 weeks.


  1. 1. you are seeing iron & wine? hatecha.
    2. hehe little ones
    3. i do the same thing with my cards
    4. this post reminded me of 100 things list from high school

  2. Hahaha I love that last one. Sorry for writing on every post. creepin's my thang

  3. your YOLO alternatives reminded me of jokes we would make in YW. Don't expect me to come up with a specific example though
